Remdesivir, mRNA vaccines, the catastrophic COVID-19 test kit, and our very own immune system
DISCLAIMER: For the past couple of entries, I've done my best to shift the focus of COVID-19 information away from medicalized solutions like drugs and vaccines for a few reasons:
1) If we invested as much financial and human capital into our public health systems and healthcare infrastructure as we invest in our military, we wouldn't be in the mess that we are in today. This TED talk by Bill Gates from 5 years ago eerily predicts the calamity of the COVID-19 pandemic, given the health infrastructure at the time. We weren't ready then and we are seeing that we are still grossly underprepared now. We need to invest in global health equity and stronger health systems.
2) The science behind the tests and drugs and vaccines being developed aren't incredibly nuanced for our day and age. We've had the privilege of seeing various disease outbreaks that have equipped us with advanced knowledge of the biology of these pathogens. We can adjust the applications of our knowledge but we have a foundation to build off of. The issue we face right now is how we regulate this information, and by we, I mean Big Pharma and the governments that they're in bed with. Reports from today found that the President of the United States tried to lure biotech into developing an exclusively American COVID-19 vaccine. (Again, nationalism isn't going to save us.) At least for now, Germany's CureVac is still free to work on developing the vaccine, free from capitalist limitations. As we learned from yesterday's toilet paper segment on price gouging, why would we do this knowing that the world is suffering?
3) If we focus too much on the seemingly miraculous pills and potions, we lose sight of greater concerns of accessibility. The reality is that even when we find a cure or a vaccine, we can only roll out so much at a time. How do we decide who gets dibs? Chances are that disenfranchised people in our communities and low-income countries who are disproportionately affected by the pandemic aren't first priority. This is why it is so important to be mindful of the social distancing measures. Prevention is the best kind of medicine so we should emphasize the need to devote our resources to addressing transmission instead of a cure.
Now that we have established all that, we can cautiously dip our toes into the ~science~ behind the tests, vaccines, etc. There is a lot of information in the media about all this and I hope that understanding some of the basics of these fancy treatments will help you manage your expectations.
Let's start with what we have to work with right now: the COVID-19 test.
Being a student at UNC-Chapel Hill (yes, I'm plugging my school) means that I have the privilege of being on the same campus as some of the world's top researchers. Many of them have been working on developing tests based on the WHO's protocol since mid-January, but are facing delays waiting on authorization from the FDA, dealing with the lengthy government approval process, and not receiving information about how much labs will be reimbursed for conducting research. As someone who goes through multiple pipette tip boxes and tubes of antibodies on a weekly basis, I can say that even simple sequencing protocols add up quickly.
Wait, but South Korea has tested so many people? How is that possible? Why is there such a big difference with the US? America really dun goofed again...
The graphic below was done by an artist who beautifully illustrates various data sets.
See, the WHO already had test guidelines available based on international efforts. Here is the chain of events: Chinese scientists uploaded a copy of the virus's genome (A-C-U-Gs) online on January 10 so that virologists around the world could start working on developing a test. On January 21, Christian Drosten's team in Berlin, who also discovered the original 2003 SARS virus, submitted the first protocol for testing for SARS-CoV-2. This protocol would become the basis of the WHO's protocol. Soon after, the US declared that it had developed its own protocols and refused to use the non-American ones.
There is a long convoluted story of how federal restrictions on testing further delayed the ability to devise a good test but in essence, the CDC distributed tests that were faulty. A reagent in the kits that were sent out in the first week of February was found to be contaminated and resulted in a number of false positives. This means that a number of people who may not have been infected came up positive. Despite this, if you read into the article, it is clear that the faulty test was an issue but the implosion of the US economy and healthcare system during critical weeks of action actually falls on the hands of its Presidential Office.
Politics aside, what actually went wrong and how does the test work? The test relies on the bread and butter of any wet lab - polymerase chain reaction testing (PCR). This stuff isn't super-complex (ahem, Mr. President it's pretty basic science) - I learned about it in 10th grade and have been performing it since the summer after my Freshman year of college.
In PCR, you essentially follow 3 steps: 1) Breaking the two strands of DNA apart to expose the nucleotide sequence (denaturation). 2) Short sequences that we make called "primers" bind to the DNA sequence (annealing). 3) A polymerase enzyme builds off the primer and makes a complementary sequence to the DNA. The idea is that you want to make many many many copies of the sequence (amplify them) so that you can screen for the presence of the virus.
The WHO's protocol specifies the NAAT (nucleic acid amplification test) of real-time reverse transcription PCR (rRT-PCR) for COVID-19 testing. This is because the virus has RNA, while the human samples are made of DNA and we have to build RNA from DNA. Put simply, we use a different enzyme than in normal PCR but the main point of amplifying the genetic material from the sample to compare to the known COVID-19 virus genes remains. The current COVID-19 tests screen for 2 genes and if both are detected then the test is deemed positive.
COVID-19 has been identified as a lower-respiratory disease so I believe they swab the naso-oropharyngeal airway (they poke a long Q-tip down your throat at the drive-thrus) and send the sample to be processed. The lab then takes the human samples and prepares a master mix in a little tube containing nucleotides, primers, and water to which the sample is added. They then stick it in a fancy machine that changes the temperature over time, then they pull out the solution and run it on a gel beside an indicator that shows what a sample with both genes looks like. If the processed sample and the known positive sample match, then you know that person has COVID-19.
EXCEPT, in the case of a false positive which is what happened with the CDC's tests. The thing is that PCR can be finicky and is very susceptible to contamination (flashback to the summers spent in a Micro/Molecular lab where I learned that the hard way). A good way to test for faults in the reagents is to also run a negative control with your samples. This would be a sample that has the master mix but none of the contents from the swab, was run in the machine with the other samples, and run on the same gel. In theory, without the swab, there should be no genes showing up. If there are, you know there is something funky in the reagents. Ultimately, nothing too complicated but we need to reduce the government barriers that are delaying the testing.
Now, what about that vaccine?
Earlier today, the NIH released a statement about clinical trials for the mRNA-1273 vaccine starting in Seattle. It uses mRNA, which is a molecule that provides instructions for what amino acid-based proteins the cell needs to make. This vaccine's mRNA prompts human cells to express harmless virus protein spikes on their surface which are supposed to elicit an immune response. The idea is that your immune cells will recognize the spikes as "non-self" threats and launch molecular warfare to get rid of it - antibodies!
Remember how we talked about viral spikes in the first blog? Y-shaped antibodies produced by your B cells will bind to those viral spikes. The thing is, that your body doesn't inherently have antibodies that readily attack a virus it's never seen before - it develops them after your body fights off infection. Hence, introducing the virus structure to your immune cells without the risk of actual virus pathogenicity (no genetic information for viral reproduction) primes your immune system so that if you do contract COVID-19, your B cells are prepared to quickly launch antibodies and clear the virus. Immune cells in your body, macrophages, will see these bundles of antibodies surrounding the viruses and will engulf and digest them.
Currently, they are testing to see if this vaccine will be effective in priming the immune response. Will the body make antibodies that will be effective against an actual COVID-19 infection? Is there any potential that it could hijack our macrophages or other immune cells? We are months out from the answers to these questions and more so even if we have a plan devised, manage your expectations about the vaccine being deployed too soon.
And finally, let's briefly touch on the news of an effective antiviral for COVID-19: remdesivir.
(Yes, another school plug.)
Dr. Ralph Baric and his lab the Gillings School of Global Public Health are testing a broad-spectrum intravenous antiviral drug. The great thing about remdesivir is that it may be effective against viruses other than SARS-CoV-19. Perhaps ones we have yet to encounter.
We've actually known about this basis of this drug for about a decade now. Descendants of the original compound, 3a, have been used by Gilead Sciences to develop remdesivir. It was developed as a general antiviral candidate (broad-spectrum). It was even proposed as a treatment for Ebola, but was found less effective in comparison to other treatments. So far, we've seen positive results when tested on other coronaviruses like MERS and SARS, but we are just beginning the clinical trials (literally just today).
The drug works on blocking the virus from multiplying in infected animals. Like we've talked about before, a virus needs RNA polymerase in order to make more copies of itself so if we can stop this enzyme, we can stop the infection. Remdesivir acts by mimicking the appearance of one of the RNA nucleotides, adenosine, so that the RNA polymerase adds it to the elongating chain instead of adenosine and this terminates the chain of genetic replication of the virus. The genome never gets completed and the virus cannot replicate.
If we're really getting into the nitty-gritty of molecular science, the reason why the chain gets capped is because of a reactive hydroxyl group (hello again O-Chem). As we know from grade 10 science (wow it just keeps coming up), DNA is double-stranded and antiparallel. We build from 5' to 3' all the time and in order to continue to build upon the chain, we need a hydroxyl group on the 3' end of the chain. This 3' hydroxyl group performs a nucleophilic attack on the phosphates of the nucleotide and we continue to build the chain with each successive nucleotide with its 3' hydroxyl. Remdesivir is an analog of the base but without the 3' hydroxyl so it gets added to the chain, but RNA polymerase cannot detect where to continue adding bases without the -OH. We have seen this type of drug application multiple times before, particularly, in the development of HIV antivirals. (Wow, Dr. Peifer and Dr. Duronio I hope that if you ever read this, you're proud.)
Despite some of these successes, COVID-19 is not Ebola and is not HIV so we can be hopeful, but hopeful with a healthy degree of skepticism.
So now you know a little more. But again, please bear in mind that these magic bullets aren't the perfect solution for several reasons. There are a lot of reasons we need to zoom out and look at the bigger picture of finding an end to this pandemic. Beyond the molecular scope of our therapies, we must dig deep and approach COVID-19 with a biomedical lens through stronger global public health systems that prioritize global health equity.